10 Must Have Cat Training Tips

It has been widely stated that cats are incapable of learning house rules. This belief is fueled by cats’ tendency to want things done their way. It is also not wholly true. Cats are intelligent animals and are quite capable of learning rules and even tricks, when taught properly and with patience.

1. Persistence, patience, and consistency are the keys to teaching house rules to cats. It is important to remember that any rule (such as not jumping on counters) you want your kitten to follow in adulthood must be taught right from the start. Try not to give in on the rules just because the kitten is cute or the cat is new to the house, only to punish the cat later when the novelty of owning him has worn off.

2. Cats hate closed doors. Their natural curiosity makes them want to get on the other side, even if they know what is there. But, as with any other rule, teaching the cat to stay out is a task that requires patience and persistence.

3. When training or correcting a cat, never hit or use extreme physical force. A cat will not associate the punishment with the crime, and may grow fearful of you while retaining the behavior you wished to stop.

4. A good correction tool is a water pistol or spray bottle filled with water (please, do not squirt your cat right in the face). Most cats hate being sprayed with water and will quickly learn that getting up on the counter or scratching your sofa will result in a squirt.

5. Provide your cat with plenty of attention, toys, games, and TLC. Try to set aside a specific time every day to hold, pet, and play with your cat

6. Be careful which toys you choose for your cat. Simply because a toy is offered for sale does not guarantee it is safe for your cat. Knowing your cat is the first rule in knowing which are the best toys to provide for her entertainment.

7. Talk to your cat every day. Look right at her when you do she’ll love the attention. Don’t be afraid to use baby talk with your cat. Cats particularly enjoy soft voices.

8. You can train your cat right at home and put her through the obstacle courses for fun, or get together with friends. There is a form of cat agility for almost anyone.

9. Who doesn’t love a good massage? Cats do, too! Cats can benefit from massage, not only for its stress-relieving qualities, but also because a massage gives you the chance to check your cat for any lumps, scabs, or physical abnormalities.

10. Some cats have physical limitations such as illness, blindness, deafness, or a crippling deformity. These cats may experience a higher level of stress due to their handicap. Cats such as these need special care and love.